

11 résultat(s)
y Arts du cirque - Aspect psychologique


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The circus actor : towards a cognitive approach

Goudard, Philippe

Circus sciences and the arts : an ancient culture
Towards a scientific approach specific to circus actors
Prospects for a cognitive approach to the circus actor

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Research project on social circus programs : how social circus programs and institutions are promoting and respecting children’s rights

Marianthi, Mota
Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, [2010]

Bringing together terms like circus and children’s rights may seem at first site uncombined. But what happens if circus get another meaning like…social circus? Circus as a tradition and a way of life is a living universal organism, a worldwide spoken language that is developing and following its own evolution paths. From traditional circus, to contemporary circus and from circus schools for professionals to social circuses, the circus world has a long history in Europe and in the whole world. In the circus communities of today words like “social integration, self--confidence, hope, creativity, taking responsibility, group--work, fun”, and many more, are more than familiar. These are the social circus communities that co--exist with other communities of traditional, modern, contemporary circus, bringing a whole new way of perceiving circus arts. The world of social circus opened for me while I was looking for my internship. Within my studies at Freie University in Berlin under the title “Master in Childhood studies and Children’s Rights” the professors were quite open in the fields we could look for our internship. It was up to the students to write on a children’s rights matter within the place they chose to do their internship, which of course had to do directly or indirectly with children. Having worked for years as a clown--entertainer in children’s parties, a stillt walker and juggler in numerous performances and voluntarily in Ngo’s working with street kids giving theatrical and juggling workshops, the idea of doing my practicum in a circus school for children was more than tempting since nothing like that exists in my country of origin, Greece. During the one month I spent in Cabuwazi children circus in Berlin, I had my first taste on what is a social circus. Having written an article at the end of my internship on how Cabuwazi is a place that promotes and respects children’s rights, the idea of doing a dissertation on social circuses and their work with children and their rights was pretty much established in my mind. Using different tools and facts I will try to support my hypothesis that Social circus projects (SCP) are institutions and organizations that are supporting and promoting children’s rights. With bibliographic knowledge, internet articles and research, series of interviews and personal experience from the author, we will guide ourselves within the history of circus, the placement of circus arts in today’s societies, an analysis on social circuses, leading us closer to see in which ways SCP are promoting and respecting children’s right and which are these rights specifically.[author summary]
Bringing together terms like circus and children’s rights may seem at first site uncombined. But what happens if circus get another meaning like…social circus? Circus as a tradition and a way of life is a living universal organism, a worldwide spoken language that is developing and following its own evolution paths. From traditional circus, to contemporary circus and from circus schools for professionals to social circuses, the circus world has ...

Cote : 361.701 M3335r 2010

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Cirque du Monde et résilience : interaction entre les enjeux artistiques et les enjeux psychosociaux dans l'action de l'artiste social auprès de jeunes marginalisés

Gravel-Richard, Pascale
Québec : Université Laval, 2008

Cette recherche se situe dans le domaine des arts populaires et communautaires et dans une perspective pédagogique des arts du cirque. Elle porte davantage sur les aspects relationnels et artistiques que sur les aspects techniques des arts du cirque. Ces derniers sont abordés dans la perspective plus large du développement de la personne. La présente étude fait appel aux sous-champs disciplinaires de la résilience et de la créativité, dans un contexte pédagogique l'éducation populaire. Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive qui se fonde principalement à une expérience personnelle de terrain tout en se référant à des documents portant sur Cirque du Monde, un programme d'action sociale fondé par le Cirque du Soleil et Jeunesse du Monde. L'objet de la recherche est de faire la lumière sur la pédagogie alternative - dite circulaire -préconisée par ce programme et plus particulièrement d'exposer les moyens dont dispose l'artiste social afin de favoriser le développement de la résilience chez les jeunes participants des ateliers de cirque social. Pour ce faire, cette étude s'appuie notamment sur les écrits de Paulo Freire sur la pédagogie des opprimés, sur ceux de Boris Cyrulnik pour aborder la résilience et sur ceux de Yves Saint-Arnaud pour cerner l'expérience créatrice et la relation coopératrice. L'intention qui sous-tend cette recherche vise une meilleure compréhension du rôle de l'artiste social dans son interrelation avec des jeunes qui vivent des difficultés et l'exclusion de leur communauté. [résumé de l'auteur]
Cette recherche se situe dans le domaine des arts populaires et communautaires et dans une perspective pédagogique des arts du cirque. Elle porte davantage sur les aspects relationnels et artistiques que sur les aspects techniques des arts du cirque. Ces derniers sont abordés dans la perspective plus large du développement de la personne. La présente étude fait appel aux sous-champs disciplinaires de la résilience et de la créativité, dans un ...

Cote : 791.307 107 14 G775c 2008

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L'accompagnement psychologique dans la formation des jeunes artistes de cirque : maintenir une confiance basale chez les jeunes artistes en crise identitaire

Leroy, Martine
Université Montpellier I, 2004

"Le jeune adulte en formation aux arts du cirque est soumis à de fortes pressions issues des enjeux de sa formation et des exigences de la création artistique.
À cette occasion, il peut manifester des troubles psychologiques de l'ordre de la crise identitaire.
Dans ce cas, le psychologue peut intervenir en vue d'éclaircir les conflits psychiques, en pratiquant une «clinique de la perte»; mais aussi en proposant un détour par les techniques psychocorporelles qui permettent de maintenir la confiance basale en pratiquand une «clinique du lien».
Cela permettra au jeune artiste de retrouver confiance en lui pour affronter les remaniements psychiques, d'Exprimer sa corporalité à travers la création et de se repositionner pour éventuellement confirmer la nature de son désir et la valeur de son projet." [Résumé de l'auteur]
"Le jeune adulte en formation aux arts du cirque est soumis à de fortes pressions issues des enjeux de sa formation et des exigences de la création artistique.
À cette occasion, il peut manifester des troubles psychologiques de l'ordre de la crise identitaire.
Dans ce cas, le psychologue peut intervenir en vue d'éclaircir les conflits psychiques, en pratiquant une «clinique de la perte»; mais aussi en proposant un détour par les techniques ...

Cote : 791.307

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Negotiating identity through risk : a community circus model for evoking change and empowering youth

McCutcheon, Sharon
Australie : Université Charles Sturt , 2003

Circus as a community theatre medium undoubtedly produces positive results for both the individuals involved and the community in which it resides. This dissertation examines the impact of those results when the “community” is an educational setting. Five descriptive case studies of in-school circus programs are explored in the study. These schools are all located in different socioeconomic areas and serve culturally diverse students and communities across Australia.

The nature of circus is also examined; particularly the elements of risk and the perceived sense of danger that are associated with successful circus. These aspects are recurring, necessary elements in the discussion of in-school circus programs. Other recurring themes outlined in the results include:

- an increase in the physical fitness of participating students;
- individual and community pride as dominant student, staff and parent reactions;
- a new “positive” utilisation of space;
- an alignment of individuals’ projected and actual selves;
- the development of peer tutoring systems and new ways of learning;
- a new public face of the participating schools which, in turn, creates a new climate within the schools - which includes an overall decrease in violent and anti-social behaviour in the school, the home and the community.

All five of the descriptive case studies are considered successful by the staff, students and parents interviewed. Success in this case is measured in terms of popularity, both within the school and its wider community, and in the decrease of various anti-social and identified destructive behaviours.

These results are examined under the categories of physical, psychological, mental, scholastic and sociological benefits. The data also emphasizes a number of obstacles to successful circus programs, and offers suggestions for overcoming these obstacles. The principals and practices extrapolated from the data collected provide a framework for how “circus works” within an educational framework.

The results of the study and their subsequent discussion, highlight the personal and communal benefits, and illustrate the notion that “circus works” as a tool for evoking change and empowering youth. The notion of risk is illustrated as intrinsic, and essential for successful implementation in schools. Risk is also identified as the element that needs to be managed in order to alleviate obstacles to the instigation and continuation of circus programs within schools. [autor summary]
Circus as a community theatre medium undoubtedly produces positive results for both the individuals involved and the community in which it resides. This dissertation examines the impact of those results when the “community” is an educational setting. Five descriptive case studies of in-school circus programs are explored in the study. These schools are all located in different socioeconomic areas and serve culturally diverse students and ...

Cote : 791.307 1 M1339n 2003

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Taming psychosomatic diversities : art and circus as cultural spaces for self-fulfillment of males with rare health conditions : andragogic analysis of life-cycles

Borowska-Beszta, Beata
International Research Journal for Quality in Education vol.3 n°1, p.11-18, January 2016

This article is a review of two case studies of males with psychosomatic diversities and the valorized international fame because of their artistic expressions. They both were born in 19th century in Europe. The paper is not a clinical study but is an andragogic analysis of the lives of two famous artists: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter and Polish circus artist Stephan Bibrowski (Lionel). They both were characterized by a binary meant uniqueness. Each artist had a rare health condition and syndrome resulting in a psychosomatic diversity and also each of them has revealed spectacular artistic talent and international fame. The main goal of the article is answering the question: how both artists tamed their own psychosomatic diversities? The text includes the andragogic life-cycles analysis of life patterns of both males in the context of cultural spaces; the spaces in which they were successful. Paper also contains two clinical descriptions of pycnodysostosis and congenital hypertrichosis, however clinical view is complementary to analyzed cases. [author summary]
This article is a review of two case studies of males with psychosomatic diversities and the valorized international fame because of their artistic expressions. They both were born in 19th century in Europe. The paper is not a clinical study but is an andragogic analysis of the lives of two famous artists: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter and Polish circus artist Stephan Bibrowski (Lionel). They both were characterized by a binary meant ...

Cote : 616.891 656 B7369t 2016

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Learning circus skills in a day care centre : student teachers in cooperative, integrative arts education project

Ruokonen, Inkeri ; Ruismäki, Heikki
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 69, p. 1443-1451, décembre 2012

The article is a qualitative case study of the integrative arts educational learning process of 11 teacher students during one study project in which they created an integrative and interactive educational project for 1- to 7-year-old day care centre children. The theme of the project was Circus. The qualitative research methods used include analyses, descriptions of observations, discussions with the students, and content analyses of students’ reflective and eval uative writings about the creative learning process. The results show that the cooperative learning method fits very well into integrative and expressive education studies. [editor summary]
The article is a qualitative case study of the integrative arts educational learning process of 11 teacher students during one study project in which they created an integrative and interactive educational project for 1- to 7-year-old day care centre children. The theme of the project was Circus. The qualitative research methods used include analyses, descriptions of observations, discussions with the students, and content analyses of students’ ...

Cote : 791.307 1 R944l 2012

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Circo , Vida sana

Alcantara, Antonio
Zirkolika, 2013

Cote : ZIR-36

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Les jeunes de la rue font leur cirque

Descôteaux, Josée
mai 2007

Cote : 361.709 227 14 D448j 2007

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Developing community circus in Aotearoa New Zealand

Trotman, Rachael ; Woodley, Alex
Nouvelle-Zélande : Circus Kumarani, 2011

This report presents the results of a national online survey of people involved in the community circus sector in Aotearoa New Zealand in the context of international approaches, and to support its development. It responses on the use of circus skills to achieve physical, emotional, mental, therapeutic, spiritual and social benefits for individuals, families and communities. In other words, community circus was perceived to perform community and social work via the medium of circus skills.
This report presents the results of a national online survey of people involved in the community circus sector in Aotearoa New Zealand in the context of international approaches, and to support its development. It responses on the use of circus skills to achieve physical, emotional, mental, therapeutic, spiritual and social benefits for individuals, families and communities. In other words, community circus was perceived to perform community and ...

Cote : 791.307 109 3 T8581d 2011

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Streetwise Community Circus, Knockavoe School evaluation : an evaluation of the impact of teaching circus skills to people with learning disabilities

McCaffery, Nick
[Royaume-Uni], 2011

The Streetwise Disability Circus Project at Knockavoe was generally considered to be very successful. Feedback from participants, audience members, staff and tutors all highlighted several worthy benefits of the workshops and final showcase, with particular reference to;
• Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
• A sense of fun
• Trying something new
• Improvements in social skills and communication
• Improvements in physical well-being
• Learning new skills
The Streetwise Disability Circus Project at Knockavoe was generally considered to be very successful. Feedback from participants, audience members, staff and tutors all highlighted several worthy benefits of the workshops and final showcase, with particular reference to;
• Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
• A sense of fun
• Trying something new
• Improvements in social skills and communication
• Improvements in physical well-being
• ...

Cote : 791.307 104 15 M1216s 2011

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place



Arts du cirque - Aspect psychologique [11]

Cirque social [7]

Bénéfices des arts du cirque chez les jeunes [5]

Arts du cirque - Aspect éducatif [4]

Arts du cirque - Aspect social [4]

Bénéfices des arts du cirque chez l'enfant [3]

Cirque du Monde [organisme de cirque] [3]

Cirque récréatif - Étude et enseignement [3]

Cirque du Soleil [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Cirque récréatif [2]

Estime de soi [2]

Estime de soi chez les jeunes [2]

Jeunes en difficulté [2]

Organismes de cirque social - Études de cas [2]

Socialisation [2]

Action sociale [1]

Apprentissage - Aspect psychologique [1]

Aptitudes cognitives [1]

Artistes de cirque - Aspect psychologique [1]

Arts du cirque - Aspect anthropologique [1]

Arts du cirque - Emploi en thérapeutique [1]

Arts du cirque - Étude et enseignement [1]

Arts du cirque - Nouvelle-Zélande [1]

Arts du cirque - Processus de création [1]

Arts du cirque - Programmes d'études [1]

Caravan [organisme de cirque] [1]

Circus Cabuwazi [1]

Circus Kumarani [organisme de cirque] [1]

Communication interculturelle [1]

Condition physique [1]

Corporalité [1]

Création (Arts) - Aspect psychologique [1]

Écoles de cirque [1]

Écoles de cirque - Australie [1]

Écoles de cirque - Espagne [1]

Écoles de cirque - Irlande [1]

Jeu et interprétation [1]

Jeunesse - Droit [1]

Jeunesse du Monde [1]

Knockavoe School [1]

Lafortune, Michel [1]

Le Plus Petit Cirque du monde [école de cirque] [1]

Projets d'art communautaires [1]

Résilience - Concept d'intervention pédagogique [1]

Résilience à la maladie [1]

Social Circus Project [1]

Streetwise Community Circus [organisme de cirque] [1]

Toulouse-Lautrec , Henri de [peintre] [1]

United Nations of Social Circus [1]

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