Santos, Steven
Newton, MA : Simply Circus, 2017
As I look back at the last 15 years, one of the things that stands out to me is how much my capabilities have grown every time I learned to build another piece of my own equipment. From building that first pair of wooden stilts to designing complex apparatus, each time I learned to build a new piece of my own equipment has been a major step in developing new capabilities. But it’s not just my capabilities that have grown. The growth I have seen in the middle and high school aged students that have learned to build their own equipment has been equally amazing to me. This book offers step-by-step instructions for building 32 safe aerial projects at home. [editor summary]
As I look back at the last 15 years, one of the things that stands out to me is how much my capabilities have grown every time I learned to build another piece of my own equipment. From building that first pair of wooden stilts to designing complex apparatus, each time I learned to build a new piece of my own equipment has been a major step in developing new capabilities. But it’s not just my capabilities that have grown. The growth I have seen ...
Cote : 791.340 28 S2373t 2017