
| 35 résultat(s)

y Histoire des arts du cirque - 19e siècle


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Circus life : performing and laboring under America's big top shows, 1830-1920

Childress, Micah D.
Knoxville, Tennessee : University of Tennessee Press, 2018

The nineteenth century saw the American circus move from a reviled and rejected form of entertainment to the “Greatest Show on Earth.” Circus Life by Micah D. Childress looks at this transition from the perspective of the people who owned and worked in circuses and how they responded to the new incentives that rapid industrialization made possible.
The circus has long been a subject of fascination for many, as evidenced by the millions of ...

Cote : 791.309 73 C5369c 2018

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The circus : a visual history

Jacob, Pascal
London, New York : Bloomsbury Visual , 2018

This beautiful book charts the development of the circus as an art form around the world, from antiquity to the present day.

Using over 200 circus related artworks from the French National Library's private collections, celebrated cultural historian Pascal Jacob tells the story of travelling entertainers and their art and trade. From nomadic animal tamers of the Dark Ages to European jugglers and acrobats of the 1800s, from the use of the ...

Cote : 791.309 J157c 2018

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Sawdust sisterhood : how circus empowered women

Ward, Steve
Stroud, Angleterre : Fonthill, 2016

Philip Astley first pegged out his circular 'ride' on the banks of the Thames in 1768 and so laid down the foundations of the modern circus. Performing feats of trick riding with his wife Patty Jones, little did he realise that before long women would become a dominant force in the circus. Sawdust Sisterhood explores how the circus empowered women and gave them the opportunity to compete and succeed as performers in their own right in an ...

Cote : 791.308 2 W2561s 2016

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Une histoire du cirque

Jacob, Pascal
Paris : Seuil : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2016

Chacun possède sa propre vision du cirque, un univers aux richesses insoupçonnées et en constante évolution. Cet ouvrage en propose une histoire abondamment illustrée, de ses origines saltimbanques à ses formes les plus contemporaines.

Au fil des pages, affiches, dessins, estampes et photographies dévoilent les secrets de chacune des disciplines qui peuplent le grand chapiteau et offrent un voyage planétaire haut en couleurs. Né en Angleterre ...

Cote : 791.309 J157h 2016

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  • Ex. 3 — Consultation sur place
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The FitzGerald Brothers' Circus : spectacle, identity, and nationhood at the Australian circus

Arrighi, Gillian
North Melbourne, Vic : Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2015

The FitzGerald Brothers’ Circus, the biggest in Australia and New Zealand in the late 19th century, was enormously popular. Gillian Arrighi provides a vivid account of the Circus’s tent shows, orchestrated performances and personalities. Arrighi presents insights into the significance of the circus in Australasia and how it helped shape the general public’s ideas of Australian nationhood. [editor summary]

Cote : 791.309 229 4 A776f 2015

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Beneath the big top : a social history of the circus in Britain

Ward, Steve
Barnsley (UK) : Pen & Sword History, 2014

Beneath the Big Top is a social history of the circus, from its ancient roots to the rise of the 'modern' tented travelling shows. A performer and founder of a circus group, Steve Ward draws on eye-witness accounts and contemporary interviews to explore the triumphs and disasters of the circus world. He reveals the stories beneath the big top during the golden age of the circus and the lives of circus folk, which were equally colourful outside ...

Cote : 791.309 42 W2561b 2014

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Corpo Animali Meraviglie : le arti circensi a Verona tra sette e Novecento

Giarola, Antonio ; Serena, Alessandro
Verone : Edizioni Equilibrando - ANSAC, 2013

Nella Verona del periodo neoclassico gli spettatori avevano a disposizione un vero e proprio menù degli incanti, la cui portata principale consisteva spesso in una compagnia equestre. Poi i virtuosi delle varie discipline del corpo: giocolieri, equilibristi, trapezisti, acrobati e gli spericolati funamboli. Animali ammaestrati, dai rinoceronti alle pulci sapienti. Fenomeni della natura e curiosità etnografiche. Maghi e illusionisti di ogni tipo. ...

Cote : 791.309 45 G435c 2013

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Años de circo : historia de la actividad circense en Chile

Ducci González, Pilar
Barcelone : Circus Arts Foundation, 2012

El trabajo es una crónica de los más de 200 años de actividad circense en Chile muy bien documentado, que empieza con la entrada del circo ecuestre inglés de Nathaniel Bogardus en 1827. La documentación que existe es escasa: alguna novela, revistas, diarios, y algunos libros centrados en otras temáticas, que tangencialmente nombran al circo. Ese vacío busca llenar la investigación que realizan actualmente la bióloga Pilar Ducci y el fotógrafo ...

Cote : 791.309 83 D824a 2012

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Professor Risley and the imperial japanese troupe : how an american acrobat introduced circus to Japan and Japan to the west

Schodt, Frederick L.
Berkeley : Stone Bridge Press, 2012

In 1864, when Japan was still semi-closed to foreigners, world-famous American acrobat and impresario "Professor Risley" introduced Western-style circus to Yokohama. Less than three years later, in 1866, he formed the Imperial Japanese Troupe and left with it to tour America and Europe. When Japan's feudal government issued its very first civilian passport to a member of Risley's troupe, it helped trigger a world-wide fever in Japanese acrobats, ...

Cote : 791.309 52 S363p 2012

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Circus and the city : New York 1793-2010

Wittmann, Matthew
New York : Yale University Press, 2012

At the turn of the 20th century, the circus was the most popular form of American entertainment, and New York City was the hub of circus-related activity. Featuring superb archival photography, this book documents a wide variety of ephemera, images, and artifacts relating to the history of the circus in the city, from the seminal equestrian displays of the 18th century to the iconic railroad circuses of the late 19th century. Matthew Wittmann ...

Cote : 791.309 747 W8325c 2012

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Histoire des arts du cirque - 19e siècle [35]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 20e siècle [18]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 18e siècle [9]

Histoire des arts du cirque - États-Unis [9]

Astley, Philip [écuyer, propriétaire de cirque] [8]

Histoire des arts du cirque - France [6]

Barnum, Phineas Taylor [directeur de cirque] [5]

Cirque au cinéma [5]

Compagnies de cirque - États-Unis [5]

Histoire de l'acrobatie aérienne [5]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Angleterre [5]

Hugues, Charles [5]

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus [compagnie de cirque] [5]

Art clownesque - Histoire [4]

Arts du cirque - Philosophie et théorie [4]

Ducrow, Andrew [4]

Femmes artistes de cirque [4]

Histoire de l'acrobatie équestre [4]

Histoire de l'art clownesque [4]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 17e siècle [4]

Origines et fondements des arts du cirque [4]

Pantomime - Histoire [4]

Sells-Floto Circus [compagnie de cirque] [4]

Affiches de spectacles cirque - États-Unis [3]

Animaux de cirque [3]

Artistes de cirque - Biographies [3]

Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth [spectacle de cirque] [3]

Big Apple Circus [compagnie de cirque] [3]

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show [3]

Chocolat [clown] [3]

Circo Franconi [compagnie de cirque] [3]

Cirque Olympique [3]

Foottit [clown] [3]

Histoire de l'acrobatie [3]

Histoire des arts du cirque [3]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Europe [3]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Italie [3]

Histoire des Sideshow - États-Unis [3]

Histoire du cirque - États-Unis [3]

Histoire du dressage [3]

Léotard, Jules [artiste de cirque] [3]

Ricketts, John Bill (1769-1800) [3]

Royal Circus [Angleterre] [3]

Architecture de cirque [2]

Artistes de cirque - États-Unis [2]

Artistes de cirque afro-américains [2]

Arts du cirque - Objets de collection [2]

Astley's Amphitheatre [bâtiment de cirque] [2]

Buffalo Bill's Wild West [compagnie équestre] [2]

Chapiteau - Histoire [2]

Cirque dans l'art [2]

Cirques - Antiquité [2]

Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Cole Bros. Circus [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Cooper, James [2]

Cuzent, Pauline [artiste de cirque] [2]

Esthétique des arts du cirque [2]

Fellini, Federico [réalisateur] [2]

Fil de fer - Histoire [2]

Forepaugh, Adam [propriétaire de cirque] [2]

Fratellini, Annie [clown] [2]

Hippodrome [2]

Histoire de l'architecture de cirque [2]

Histoire de l'art équestre [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Australie [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Canada [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Chine [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Japon [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - New York (N.Y.) [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Québec (Province) [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Russie [2]

I clowns [oeuvre cinématographique] [2]

Jouets de cirque [2]

Juhua, Xia [artiste de cirque] [2]

Karandach [clown] [2]

La Strada [oeuvre cinématographique] [2]

Lanzac, Roger [maître de piste] [2]

Loisset, Jean Baptiste [artiste de cirque] [2]

Madame Saqui [artiste de cirque] [2]

Maître de piste [2]

Mazeppa [2]

Nazarova, Margarita [artiste de cirque] [2]

Photographies de cirque [2]

Représentation de la femme dans les arts du cirque [2]

Représentation du corps circassien [2]

Ringling [2]

Ringling Brothers Circus [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Risley, Richard [2]

Sands, Richards [2]

Sarrasani [2]

Traditions acrobatiques [2]

Acrobatie - Histoire [1]

Acrobatie aérienne [1]

Affiches de spectacles de cirque [1]

Ames, Charles T. [propriétaire de cirque] [1]

Animaux sauvages [1]

Architecture de cirque [1]

Art clownesque et société [1]

Art équestre - États-Unis [1]

Art équestre - Italie [1]

Artistes de cirque - Biographies [1]

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Date de publication

2018 [2]

2016 [3]

2015 [1]

2014 [3]

2013 [2]

2012 [5]

2011 [3]

2010 [3]

2009 [1]

2006 [1]

2002 [2]

2000 [1]

1998 [1]

1997 [1]

1988 [1]

1980 [2]

1977 [1]

1927 [1]

(sans) [1]

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