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y Shakespeare, William



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Shakespeare, William ; Collins, Anne
Essex (Angleterre) : Pearson Education, 2008

Macbeth is a brave and thoughtful soldier, who has a terrible weakness - his political ambition. Macbeth wants to be king, and he and his wife make murderous plans to make it happen. But how many people will have to die before their dreams come true? Macbeth is Shakespeare's great play about the fall into evil. [editor summary]

Cote : 822.33 S5276m 2008

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The tempest

Shakespeare, William
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

The Tempest is rightly regarded as being one of the Bard's greatest works, containing some of his deepest thoughts on the nature of power and the relationship between rational man as controller of nature, and the animal man always to be at the mercy of the passions both of himself, others, and the world around him... [editor summary]

Cote : 822.33 S5276t 2009

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Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare, William ; Collins, Anne
Harlow : Penguin Readers, 2002

Cote : 828.33

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Henry VI

La Piccola Familia ; Jolly, Thomas ; Shakespeare, William
Rennes : Compagnie des Indes : Théâtre Nationale de Bretagne, 2014

Thomas Jolly et sa troupe, La Piccola Familia, ont engagé un cycle de création autour de la fresque écrite : "Henry VI". Cette œuvre monumentale de William Shakespeare, publiée en 1592, compte trois pièces, 80 scènes et 12 000 vers, 150 personnages, 13 heures de représentation qui retracent les 50 années du règne de ce roi d’Angleterre. Sur fond de Guerre de Cent Ans et de luttes intestines liées à la guerre civile des « Deux Roses », cet ...

Cote : THEA P591h 2014

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