

4 résultat(s)
y Hoak, Madeline


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Circus Thinks : conversations 2022

Frank, Lina B. ; Anderson, Morgan ; Barone, Valentina ; Dupree, Jason ; Greenblatt, Jordana ; Hoak, Madeline ; Johnson, Nadine ; Stanciu, Elena ; Václavek, Tomáš ; Zelle, Nick
Suède : Circus Thinkers Platform - Circus Syd, 2022

Following Circus Thinkers: Reflections 2020, the aim of this volume is twofold: first, to record and share conversations and dialogues, and second, to ponder the nature of conversation itself. dialogues in this volume are explorations, exchanges prompted by big questions or inspired by iconic people. The question that traverses the volume is a methodological one: what does circus conversation entail? Every contributor determined the answer for themselves and approached their text with freedom of format, direction, and subject matter.
Following Circus Thinkers: Reflections 2020, the aim of this volume is twofold: first, to record and share conversations and dialogues, and second, to ponder the nature of conversation itself. dialogues in this volume are explorations, exchanges prompted by big questions or inspired by iconic people. The question that traverses the volume is a methodological one: what does circus conversation entail? Every contributor determined the answer for ...

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Circus thinks

Frank, Lina B. ; Anderson, Morgan ; Barone, Valentina ; Greenblatt, Jordana ; Hoak, Madeline ; Johnson, Nadine ; Kavanagh, Katherine ; Stanciu, Elena ; Václavek, Tomáš ; Zanzu, Elena ; Zelle, Nick
Lund : Circus Thinkers Platform - Cirkus Syd, 2020

Circus Thinkers Platform est un espace qui a évolué à partir de nos cercles d'étude Falling printemps 2020. C'est un espace pour lire, penser, parler, apprendre et réfléchir collectivement avec d'autres à travers le monde. Pour cette publication, les membres disposent d'un espace pour élaborer des thèmes qui ont été évoqués au cours de l'année et ainsi créer quelque chose de commun qui peut également avoir un impact et un effet sur le domaine de la culture et du cirque en général. Circus Thinkers Platform Publication 2020 sera développée à l'automne 2020 et lancée le 17 décembre pour clôturer l'année.
Circus Thinkers Platform est un espace qui a évolué à partir de nos cercles d'étude Falling printemps 2020. C'est un espace pour lire, penser, parler, apprendre et réfléchir collectivement avec d'autres à travers le monde. Pour cette publication, les membres disposent d'un espace pour élaborer des thèmes qui ont été évoqués au cours de l'année et ainsi créer quelque chose de commun qui peut également avoir un impact et un effet sur le domaine de ...

  • Ex. 1 — disponible
  • Ex. 2 — disponible
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Teaching the Mind-body : integrating knowlegesthrough circus arts

Hoak, Madeline ; Funk, Alisan ; Berkeley, Busby, 1895-1976

We, the three authors of this chapter, all come from professional careers in the circus arts. We also have a deep interest in and involvement with our academic domains, including physics, history, and education. We have found that com- bining circus arts with these traditionally academic subjects in academic institutions has motivated our students to engage with their own learning processes in unique ways. Through our discussions, we have identified three common ways in which students experience agency through the integration of circus practice and academic knowledges. First, students are able to build new knowledge from their domains of comfort into domains of discomfort. Second, combining embodied and academic knowledge expands student access to creative solutions, thereby expanding their knowledge horizons. Third, we notice that the collaboration inherent in the practice of circus arts enables community building, which, in turn, elicits the development of trust in new situations. We see each of these elements as foundational for social change. This chapter situates our findings in relation to theories of creativity that include quotidian, personal discoveries (Beghetto, 2010; Csikszentmihalyi, 1997/2013; Sawyer, 2012) and theories of embodiment that show how the mind and body mutually inform and affect each other (Gallagher, 2006; Steinman, 1995). We further contextualise our findings within the greater conversation of 
circus arts in education (Cadwell, 2018; Funk, 2018) and the long-term effects of learning arts on the development of other knowledges.
We, the three authors of this chapter, all come from professional careers in the circus arts. We also have a deep interest in and involvement with our academic domains, including physics, history, and education. We have found that com- bining circus arts with these traditionally academic subjects in academic institutions has motivated our students to engage with their own learning processes in unique ways. Through our discussions, we have ...

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Expanding in(finite) between

Hoak, Madeline