
| 6 résultat(s)

y Stefanová, Veronika


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Estetika a poetika soucasného cirkusu (od moderního cirkusu az po soucasny aneb systematické prolínání jednotlivych umení s cílem vytvorit umení absolutní)

Stefanová, Veronika
Prague, République tchèque, 2009

This diploma thesis is focused on the research in the area of the new and the contemporary circus. The essential object of the thesis is the characteristics of the contemporary circus phenomenon, which should demonstrate its artistic independence. The analysis of typical contemporary circus aspects is implemented in nine self-contained chapters. These chapters are dedicated to the development process from the modern circus to the contemporary ...

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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In search of the dramatic composition : a contemporary circus performance as a structure of signs

Stefanová, Veronika
Performance Matters vol.4 n°1-2, p.66-70, 2018

In my search for a meaningful form of contemporary circus analysis, I am proposing a basic framework derived primarily from Czech theatre theory based on pre-semiotic and semiotic studies. I employ theories that make use of the theatre sign system and theories which perceive the theatrical—and, by extension, contemporary circus—production as a structure comprised of individual components. In order to test the validity of this theatre-based ...

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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Rostislav Novák on Risk

Stefanová, Veronika ; Novak, Rostislav
Sideshow Circus Magazine, novembre 2013

Cote : SID-2013

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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Veronika Riedlbauchová on Riverside

Stefanová, Veronika ; Riedlbauchová, Veronika
Sideshow Circus Magazine, novembre 2013

Cote : SID-2013

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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Soucasná cirkusová architektura : príklady moderních cirkusovych staveb odkazujících k reformátorskym tendencím nové cirkusové vlny

Stefanová, Veronika
Theatralia vol. 13, n° 2, p. 178-189

The text discusses the innovative tendencies in circus architecture which has become one of the crucial element in the so-called "new circus" productions. New circus, as a contemporary version of the traditional circus arts – inspired by dance, theatre and beaux arts – strived to create a new space which would accurately characterize its revolutionary ideas. The author concentrates on examples of today's tendencies in circus architecture. All ...

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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