
Magic : stage illusions, special effects and trick photography


Auteurs : Hopkins, Albert A. (Direction) ; Ridgely Evans, Henry (Préfacier)

Lieu de publication : New York

Éditeur : Dover Publications

Date de publication : 1990

ISBN : 9780486265612

Langue : Anglais

Description : ii-xii,556p. : ill, plans, port. ; 22cm.

Notes : Republication : 'Magic : stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick photography'. New York : Munn and Co., 1898.
Bibliogr. : p. 540-550. Index.

Sujets :
Histoire de la magie
Arts du spectacle - Histoire
Histoire des arts du cirque
Jonglerie - Histoire
Histoire des arts de la marionnette
Avaleur de sabre
Cracheur de feu
Numéro à sensation - Histoire
Numéro à sensation - Marche au plafond
Magie de scène
Houdin, Robert [magicien]
Ullmann, Hermann [magicien]
Tours de magie
Théâtre d'ombres
Scénographie - Histoire et critique
Cinéma - Appareils et matériel - Histoire

Dépouillement du document :
Preface: New York, September 1897

Introduction: The Mysteries of Modern Magic (Henry Ridgely Evans)
I Ancient Magic
II Cagliostro
III Eighteenth Century : Pinetti, Rollin, Comus II, Robertson, etc.
IV Nineteenth Century: Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugene Robert
V Carl Herrmann, Signor Blitz, Robert Heller, Alexander Herrmann
VI Modesty, and Lack Thereof

Book I Conjurers' Tricks And Stage Illusions

Chapter I Mysterious Disappearances
Vanity Fair
After the Flood
The Magic Palanquin
Cassadag Propaganda
The Appearing Lady
The Disappearing Lady
The Mysterious Trunk
The Indian Basket Trick
Spiritualistic Ties

Chapter II Optical Tricks
The Cabaret du Neant
The Three-Headed Woman
The Mystery of Dr. Lynn
Black Art
The Talking Head
The Living Half-Woman
The Queen of Flowers
The Decapitated Princess
Houdin's Magic Cabinet
A Mystic Maze
Platinized Glass
Statue giving a Double Image

Chapter III Miscellaneous State Tricks
The Haunted Swing
The Scurimobile
The Neoöccultism
The Mask of Balsamo
The Invisible Woman
Magic Harps

Chapter IV Conjuring Tricks
Trick with an Egg and a Handkerchief
The Cone of Flowers
The Magic Rosebush
Magic Flowers
The Birth of Flowers
The Buttonhole Rose
The Flowers In the Small Box
The Bouquet In the Glass
The Small Bouquets in the Hat
Tricks with a Hat
A Cake Baked in a Hat
The Egg and Hat Trick
Multiplication of Coins
Magic Coins
The Dissolving Coin
The Spirit Slates
Second Sight
Magic Cabinets
The Magic Portfolio
Magic Envelopes
Magic Boxes
The Traveling Bottle and Glass
Disappearance of an Apple and a Ninepin
A Goblet of Ink Converted into an Aquarium
The Invisible Journey of a Glass of Wine
The Wine Changed to Water
The Animated Mouse
The Sand Frame Trick
Houdin's Magic Ball

Chapter V Jugglers And Acrobatic Performances
The Leamy Revolving Trapeze
Walking on the Ceiling Head Down
The Mysterious Ball

Chapter VI Fire Eaters And Sword Tricks
Fire Eaters - Tricks with Fire
A Stab through the Abdomen
The Human Target
Sword Swallowers
Sword Walkers
Dancers on Glass

Chapter VII Ventriloquism And Animated Puppets
Animated Puppets

Chapter VIII Shadowgraphy (Henry Ridgely Evans)
French Shadows

Chapter IX Mental Magic (Henry Ridgely Evans)
Robert Heller Second Sight Act
Codes: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, etc.
Articles in Sets
Playing Cards
Other Examples
Silent Thought Transference No. 1
Silent Thought Transference No. 2

Book II Ancient Magic

Chapter I Temple Tricks Of The Greeks
Puppet Shows among the Greeks
The Machinery of the Temples
Invention in 1889 A.D. vs. Invention B.C.
An Egyptian Lustral Water Vessel

Chapter II Miraculous Vessels Of The Greeks
The Dicaiometer
Miraculous Vessels
Ancient Organs

Chapter III The Origin Of The Steam Engine

Chapter IV Greek Lamps, Toys, Etc.
Perpetual Lamps
An Ancient Automaton
A Greek Toy
The Decapitated Drinking Horse

Book III Science In The Theater

Chapter I Behind the Scenes of an Opera House

Chapter II Some Remarkable Stages, Ancient And Modern
An Electric Curtain
The Fan-Drop Curtain
An Elevator Theater Stage
Some Remarkable American Stage Inventions
A Revolving Stage
The Asphaleia Stage
A Theater with Two Auditoriums
Curio's Pivoted Theater
The Olympian Theater of Palladio at Vicenza

Chapter III Stage Effects
Scene Painting
Sunrise Effect
Sun Effect
Change from Day to Night
Moon Effects
Rain Effect
Rainbow Effect
Wind Effect
Thunder Effect
Snow Effect
Wave Effect
Crash Effect
Fire and Smoke Effect
Gradual Transformations
Battle Scenes
Theatrical Firearms
The Imitation of Odors

Chapter IV Theater Secrets
The Swan in Loghengrin
The Floating Rhine Daughters in Rehingold
The Sun Robe
The Ship on the Stage
Miscellaneous Stage Effects
The Destruction of the Temple of Dagon
The Horse Race on the Stage
The Effects in Siegfreid
The Bed of Tulips and the Electric Firefly
The Electric Torch and Electric Jewels
An Electrical Duel
The Skirt Dance

Chapter V The Nautical Arena (Aquatic Theater)

Chapter VI A Trip To The Moon

Chapter VII Cycloramas
The Electric Cyclorama

Chapter VIII Fireworks With Dramatic Accessories

Book IV Automata And Curious Toys

Chapter I Automata
Automaton Chess Players
The Automation Chess Player
A Curious Automaton
The Toy Artist
A Steam Man

Chapter II Curious Toys
An Optical Illusion
The Money Maker
Experiments in Centrifugal Force and Gravity
The Magic Rose
Electrical Toys
The Electrical Race Course
Magnetic Oracle
The Dancers
An Ancient Counterpart of a Modern Toy
Novel Toys
Columbus's Egg
Jacob's Ladder
A Novel Toy
A Toy Cart
The Phonographic Doll

Chapter III Miscellaneous Tricks Of An Amusing Nature
Interesting Tricks in Elasticity
Novel Puzzle
Simple Match Trick
Crystallized Ornaments
Magical Apparition on White Paper
Magic Portraits
A Trick Opera Glass
A Toy Bird that Flies
The Planchette Table
Japanese Magic Mirrors
Magic Mirrors

Book V Photographic Diversions

Chapter I Trick Photography
Lavater's Apparatus for Taking Silhouettes
Photography upon a Black Ground
Spirit Photography
Artificial Image
Duplex Photography
Illusive Photography
Photographing a Human Head Upon a Table
Photographing a Head on a Platter
Photographing a Catastrophe
New Type of Photographic Portrait
A Multiple Portrait
Pinhole Camera
A Photographic Necktie
Magic Photographs
An Electro-Photo Detective Thief Catcher
Composite Photography

Chapter II Chronophotography
An Amateur Chronophotographic Apparatus

Chapter III The Projection of Moving Pictures
The Edison Kinetograph
Reynaud's Optical Theater
Electric Tachyscope
The Demeny Chronophotographic Apparatus
The Kinetoscope Stereopticon
The Mutograph and Mutoscope
Cinematograph Camera
Camera for Ribbon Photography
The Micromotoscope


Additional Tricks
The Magic Table (Alexander Herrmann)
Gone (W.E. Robinson)
The Spider and the Fly
The Trunk Trick
La Strobeika Persane

Résumé :
Book on classic stage illusions performed by Robert-Houdin, Bautier de Kolta, Maskelyne and others. Detailed descriptions of techniques of fire eaters, sword swallowers, jugglers, acrobats, etc. Also ancient magic, automatons, magic photography, much more. Over 400 exceptional illustrations.

Remerciement au donateur : Cirque du Soleil

Collection : Collection documentaire du Cirque du Soleil

Localisation : Bibliothèque

Cote : 793.809 H7932m 1990

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