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The Death of Karen Silkwood

Hannam, Joyce ; Mowat, Diane
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Why does her story begin where it should end? Certain people wanted her death to be an ending. Why? What were they afraid of? Karen Silkwood had something to tell us, and she believed that it was important. Why didn't she live to tell us? Will we ever know what really happened? The questions go on and on, but there are no answers.

This is a true story. It happened in Oklahoma, USA, where Karen Silkwood lived and worked . . . and died. [editor ...

Cote : HAN

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Shelley, Mary ; Nobes, Patrick
Oxford : Oxford University Press#, 2008

Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. He takes parts from dead people and builds a new 'man'. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him - even Frankenstein himself!

The monster is like an enormous baby who needs love. But nobody gives him love, and soon he learns to hate. And, because he is so strong, the next thing he learns is how to kill . . . [editor summary]

Cote : SHE

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Huckleberry Finn

Twain, Mark ; Mowat, Diane
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Who wants to live in a house, wear clean clothes, be good, and go to school every day? Not young Huckleberry Finn, that's for sure.

So Huck runs away, and is soon floating down the great Mississippi River on a raft. With him is Jim, a black slave who is also running away. But life is not always easy for the two friends.

And there's 300 dollars waiting for anyone who catches poor Jim . . . [editor summary]

Cote : TWA

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Sherlock Holmes short stories

Doyle, Arthur Conan ; West, Clare
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask.

In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them. [editor ...

Cote : DOY

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The Canterville ghost

Wilde, Oscar ; Escott, John
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

There has been a ghost in the house for three hundred years, and Lord Canterville's family have had enough of it. So Lord Canterville sells his grand old house to an American family. Mr Hiram B. Otis is happy to buy the house and the ghost - because of course Americans don't believe in ghosts.

The Canterville ghost has great plans to frighten the life out of the Otis family. But Americans don't frighten easily - especially not two noisy little ...

Cote : WIL

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Stoker, Bram ; Mowat, Diane
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007

In the mountains of Transylvania there stands a castle. It is the home of Count Dracula - a dark, lonely place, and at night the wolves howl around the walls.

In the year 1875 Jonathan Harker comes from England to do business with the Count. But Jonathan does not feel comfortable at Castle Dracula. Strange things happen at night, and very soon, he begins to feel afraid. And he is right to be afraid, because Count Dracula is one of the Un-Dead - ...

Cote : STO

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American Crime stories

Escott, John
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007

"Curtis Colt didn't kill that liquor store woman, and that's a fact. It's not right that he should have to ride the lightning - that's what prisoners call dying in the electric chair. Curtis doesn't belong in it, and I can prove it." But can Curtis's girlfriend prove it? Murder has undoubtedly been done, and if Curtis doesn't ride the lightning for it, then who will?

These seven short stories, by well-known writers such as Dashiel Hammett, ...

Cote : ANT-POL

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The death of Karen Silkwood [document d'accompagnement]

Hannam, Joyce
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Cote : HAN

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Frankenstein [document d'accompagnement]

Shelley, Mary ; Nobes, Patrick
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Cote : SHE

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Huckleberry Finn [document d'accompagnement]

Twain, Mark ; Mowat, Diane
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008

Cote : TWA

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