Killermann, Sam
Austin, TX : Impetus Books, 2013
A book about gender with no mention of the word "hegemony," but plenty of references to Star Wars, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek-- with less of a focus on overwhelming scholarship and more of a focus on enjoyable learning. This is a book about gender, but it’s not “a book about gender.” It’s not overwhelming, it’s not overly complicated, and it’s not exhausting to read. It is a couple hundred pages of gender exploration, social justice how-tos, practical resources, and fun graphics & comics.
It offers clear, easily-digested, and practical explanations of one of the most commonly misunderstood things about people. Sam dissects gender using a comprehensive, non-binary toolkit, with a focus on making this subject accessible and enjoyable. All this to help you understand something that is so commonly misunderstood, but something we all think we get: gender. The book helps individuals better understand gender themselves (their gender and others'), and is a great resource for folks who are doing gender education work with others. [editor summary]
A book about gender with no mention of the word "hegemony," but plenty of references to Star Wars, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek-- with less of a focus on overwhelming scholarship and more of a focus on enjoyable learning. This is a book about gender, but it’s not “a book about gender.” It’s not overwhelming, it’s not overly complicated, and it’s not exhausting to read. It is a couple hundred pages of gender exploration, social ...
Cote : 306.766 K485s 2013