

8 résultat(s)
y Arts du cirque - Archives et documentation


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Spectacles en France : archives et recherche

Filloux-Vigreux, Marianne ; Goetschel, Pascale ; Huthwothl, Joël ; Rosemberg, Julien
Paris : Publibook, 2014

"Danse, cirque, théâtre, opéra, marionnettes, autant d'arts de la scène qui reposent sur une relation éphémère entre des acteurs et des spectateurs. Dès lors, que reste-t-il de ces représentations où des hommes et des femmes se donnent, pour un temps limité, à se faire voir et entendre par d'autres? De ces fugitive materials: les voix, les intonations, les gestes ou les postures? Et que faire de ce qui ne figure pas immédiatement dans le champ de la représentation? De ce qui est hors cadre, en dehors du champ? L'historien(ne) du spectacle, et plus généralement tout observateur des arts de la scène, doit donc composer avec l'absence. Dans ces conditions, comment et pourquoi garder la trace de ces spectacles sans lendemain? Et faut-il vraiment le faire? Faisons l'hypothèse que le détour par les spectacles permet de reposer autrement la question de la formation de l'archive, de son autorité et de ses usages. Le spectacle doit faire quelque chose à l'archive, et les auteurs réunis dans ce livre nous en font la démonstration."
Qu'archiver des arts du spectacle? Pourquoi d'ailleurs archiver? Et comment exploiter ces documents? Autant de problématiques transversales pour cet ouvrage collectif où se croisent et s'enrichissent regards d'artistes et de professionnels de l'archive. Circulant de ceux qui produisent ces arts "volatiles" à ceux qui les conservent, alliant considérations théoriques et pratiques, Spectacles en France. Archives et recherche creuse avec intelligence et perspicacité les interrogations sur le matériel et l'évanescent, le mouvement et la fixation, l'éphémère et la durée... [résumé de l'éditeur]
"Danse, cirque, théâtre, opéra, marionnettes, autant d'arts de la scène qui reposent sur une relation éphémère entre des acteurs et des spectateurs. Dès lors, que reste-t-il de ces représentations où des hommes et des femmes se donnent, pour un temps limité, à se faire voir et entendre par d'autres? De ces fugitive materials: les voix, les intonations, les gestes ou les postures? Et que faire de ce qui ne figure pas immédiatement dans le champ ...

Cote : 790.209 44 F486s 2014

  • Ex. 1 — disponible
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Corpo Animali Meraviglie : le arti circensi a Verona tra sette e Novecento

Giarola, Antonio ; Serena, Alessandro
Verone : Edizioni Equilibrando - ANSAC, 2013

Nella Verona del periodo neoclassico gli spettatori avevano a disposizione un vero e proprio menù degli incanti, la cui portata principale consisteva spesso in una compagnia equestre. Poi i virtuosi delle varie discipline del corpo: giocolieri, equilibristi, trapezisti, acrobati e gli spericolati funamboli. Animali ammaestrati, dai rinoceronti alle pulci sapienti. Fenomeni della natura e curiosità etnografiche. Maghi e illusionisti di ogni tipo. Infine un grande assortimento di spettacoli pseudoscientifici come i panorami, o le dimostrazioni della luce elettrica, del telegrafo e le molto amate ascensioni aerostatiche. Il tutto servito in un’inaspettata città scaligera, crogiolo di tendenze, humus di culture, punto di riferimento per compagnie di artisti di ogni genere. Con una serie assai variegata di spazi: dai teatri ufficiali, alle improvvisate baracche, sino all’Arena. È questo il mondo emerso dall’approfondito lavoro di ricerca ed analisi, svolto da un gruppo di titolate ricercatrici, coordinate dai curatori del progetto, le quali hanno setacciato i più importanti archivi di Verona, del Veneto e del Nord Italia, alla ricerca di qualsiasi testimonianza afferente le discipline circensi. Un’esperienza unica nel campo della storiografia dello spettacolo popolare, che ha permesso di riscoprire incredibili repertori, delineare i profili dei principali protagonisti, capire le caratteristiche dei luoghi deputati, delle modalità di fruizione e del relativo riscontro da parte del pubblico e della critica giornalistica.
Nella Verona del periodo neoclassico gli spettatori avevano a disposizione un vero e proprio menù degli incanti, la cui portata principale consisteva spesso in una compagnia equestre. Poi i virtuosi delle varie discipline del corpo: giocolieri, equilibristi, trapezisti, acrobati e gli spericolati funamboli. Animali ammaestrati, dai rinoceronti alle pulci sapienti. Fenomeni della natura e curiosità etnografiche. Maghi e illusionisti di ogni tipo. ...

Cote : 791.309 45 G435c 2013

  • Ex. 1 — disponible
  • Ex. 2 — disponible
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Working to preserve our memories : a call to mobilize the circus community

François, Sylvie

Cote : 791.307 5 F8256w 2010

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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Sinnbild für den elegaten Circus

Nagel, Stefan
Circus Zeitung n°12, décembre 2013

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Fragments d'un discours amoureux

Jacob, Pascal
Stradda n°15, p.15, janvier 2010

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Les éditeurs, en ordre dispersé

Dreyfus, Emmanuelle
janvier 2010

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Dans quelle étagère?

Goudard, Philippe
janvier 2010

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H Disponible en ligne


Acts of design : archives, material and intention in the Circus Oz living archive project

Stanton, Reuben
Melbourne : RMIT University - Philosophy, 2014

This research presents an account of a doctoral inquiry undertaken as an embedded practitioner and researcher, in the context of the Circus Oz Living Archive Project, an interdisciplinary research project conducted at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. This project was a three-year investigation into the creation of an online digital ‘living archive’: a collection of historical performance videos, combined with an intention to rethink existing paradigms of contemporary performance archives. As an embedded practitioner and researcher, my doctoral research was led by the question of how might we design a living archive? My approach has been one of research-through-practice, in which I have undertaken the design and creation of a prototype digital archive as both a pragmatic design act and as a research activity. Informed by discourse and literature from a wide range of academic areas, I critically reflect on the work undertaken in the design of this digital archive, in order to investigate some aspects of the roles and agency of an interaction designer engaged in its creation. By bringing together contemporary theories of the performance archive, conceptions of digital practice and digital materiality from the field of Software Studies, and Verbeek’s notion of material hermeneutics (2005), I examine the practice of Interaction Design, in the context of a project concerned with designing and making a contemporary digital performance archive. I argue that the work of a designer in this context is one of mediating hermeneutic relations with the archive through the creation of specific software representations. It is also one of executing agency through the use of performative design artefacts. This is an often opaque, yet powerful role, in which the decisions made by designers—along with the decisions enabled by the work of designers in the day-to-day process of collaboratively making the archive—ultimately affect society’s relation with the archive. The effects of design decisions have implications for contemporary cultural heritage and future cultural understanding. The concept of a ‘living archive’ suggests that the digital archive is not a singular thing to design, but rather an extensible cultural resource that has the capacity to live and be re-designed throughout its life. I also argue that the role of the designer in this process is ultimately one in which they must act with certain intention: in designing a ‘living archive’, designers have a responsibility to engage non-designers in making decisions about the archive’s representation. They also have a responsibility to demystify the process of making software, such that acts of cultural mediation performed by the digital archive can be enacted in well-informed, intentional, and respectful ways. [author summary]
This research presents an account of a doctoral inquiry undertaken as an embedded practitioner and researcher, in the context of the Circus Oz Living Archive Project, an interdisciplinary research project conducted at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. This project was a three-year investigation into the creation of an online digital ‘living archive’: a collection of historical performance videos, combined with an intention to rethink ...

Cote : 026.791 3 S7921a 2014

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place


Date de publication

2014 [2]

2013 [2]

2010 [4]
