

23 résultat(s)
y Organismes de cirque social - Études de cas


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Art et développement : le geste créatif au service d'un développement social soutenable

Pronovost, Marc
Paris : L'harmattan, 2013

L'art social peut être un vecteur efficace de développement humain et social soutenable à la fois dans les sociétés du Nord et du Sud. L'art social permet aux individus de devenir les acteurs du changement au sein de leur société, à travers des projets menant vers un développement humain et social soutenable. Le Cirque du Soleil est un exemple parlant de ce type de projets de développement. [résumé de l'éditeur]

Cote : 306.47 P9653a 2013

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The impact of Circo Social Ecuador and other community arts on health : a longitudinal comparative quantitative analysis

Yassi, Annalee ; Campaña, Arturo

There have been extensive calls for rigorous evaluation of community arts programs, especially over the past fifteen years (Belfiore 2002; Newman et al. 2003; Putland 2008; Galloway 2009; Belfiore and Bennett 2010). There has also been increasing attention to the role of community arts specifically in promoting health (Cox et al. 2010; Stuckey and Nobel 2010; Clift 2012). But what is “health,” and how can it be promoted? Adopting the philosophy of Buen Vivir (Good Living) as a guiding principle for a new society necessarily leads to recognizing that a healthy, inclusive, harmonious, social, and naturally sustainable life – different in...
There have been extensive calls for rigorous evaluation of community arts programs, especially over the past fifteen years (Belfiore 2002; Newman et al. 2003; Putland 2008; Galloway 2009; Belfiore and Bennett 2010). There has also been increasing attention to the role of community arts specifically in promoting health (Cox et al. 2010; Stuckey and Nobel 2010; Clift 2012). But what is “health,” and how can it be promoted? Adopting the philosophy ...

Cote : 361.701 S7551a 2019

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Corsari al circo e circo a scuola : il caso del circo sociale di Scampia

Frattini, Eva Luna ; Ferrari, Mauro
Napoli : Università Ca' Foscari, 2014

Caso studio: la Scuola di Circo Corsaro di Scampia - L'elaborato presenterà una panoramica sulla storia del circo e sulla scena circense contemporanea, con particolare riferimento all'Italia. Verrà presentato il circo come mezzo di intervento sociale, la storia del circo sociale, la sua valenza pedagogica, il rischio come fattore educativo, la figura dell'artista sociale. Si passerà poi ad analizzare il contesto problematico in cui si situano le attività del Circo Corsaro: povertà minorili, abbandono scolastico e lavoro minorile. Si descriverà il quartiere periferico napoletano di Scampia, la storia della scuola di circo che lì vi opera, i progetti di circo attivi, la struttura della scuola, le relazioni di partenariato, le figure professionali che vi lavorano, i destinatari dei progetti, il metodo di valutazione degli interventi, le difficoltà affrontate, il processo di creazione partecipato degli spettacoli.
Caso studio: la Scuola di Circo Corsaro di Scampia - L'elaborato presenterà una panoramica sulla storia del circo e sulla scena circense contemporanea, con particolare riferimento all'Italia. Verrà presentato il circo come mezzo di intervento sociale, la storia del circo sociale, la sua valenza pedagogica, il rischio come fattore educativo, la figura dell'artista sociale. Si passerà poi ad analizzare il contesto problematico in cui si situano le ...

Cote : 361.763 092 245 F844c 2014

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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As influências do circo social para os egressos da Escola de Circo Dom Fernando / Instituto Dom Fernando / Proex : PUC-GO, Goiânia : 1998-2009

Da Silva, Danilo Joaquim
Goiânia (Brésil) : Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2013

This dissertation aims to understand how the lived experience in Circus School Dom Fernando - ECDF influenced formation of children and adolescents in the Eastern Region of Goiânia identifying the role of this program for graduates of the period 1998-2009. The study was conducted in a qualitative perspective using to achieve the proposed objectives the following methodology: literature review, documentary research and empirical research. We analyzed the landmarks and public policies related to adolescence and youth in Brazil, the evolution of the social circus proposed as an alternative teaching from the perspective of nonformal education, in work with children, adolescents and young subaltern classes. For this feasibility study were interviewed using semi-structured, which we accomplished graduates ECDF enrollments between 1998 and 2009 and remained enrolled and attending at least two years. The research revealed that the ECDF, constitutes a major influence on its graduates, towards social emancipation, but work the importance of working with children and youth using the circus, which is characterized by a simple language but very attractive also motivates them to continue participating. [editor summary]
This dissertation aims to understand how the lived experience in Circus School Dom Fernando - ECDF influenced formation of children and adolescents in the Eastern Region of Goiânia identifying the role of this program for graduates of the period 1998-2009. The study was conducted in a qualitative perspective using to achieve the proposed objectives the following methodology: literature review, documentary research and empirical research. We ...

Cote : 361.763 092 281 D1116i 2013

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Research project on social circus programs : how social circus programs and institutions are promoting and respecting children’s rights

Marianthi, Mota
Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, [2010]

Bringing together terms like circus and children’s rights may seem at first site uncombined. But what happens if circus get another meaning like…social circus? Circus as a tradition and a way of life is a living universal organism, a worldwide spoken language that is developing and following its own evolution paths. From traditional circus, to contemporary circus and from circus schools for professionals to social circuses, the circus world has a long history in Europe and in the whole world. In the circus communities of today words like “social integration, self--confidence, hope, creativity, taking responsibility, group--work, fun”, and many more, are more than familiar. These are the social circus communities that co--exist with other communities of traditional, modern, contemporary circus, bringing a whole new way of perceiving circus arts. The world of social circus opened for me while I was looking for my internship. Within my studies at Freie University in Berlin under the title “Master in Childhood studies and Children’s Rights” the professors were quite open in the fields we could look for our internship. It was up to the students to write on a children’s rights matter within the place they chose to do their internship, which of course had to do directly or indirectly with children. Having worked for years as a clown--entertainer in children’s parties, a stillt walker and juggler in numerous performances and voluntarily in Ngo’s working with street kids giving theatrical and juggling workshops, the idea of doing my practicum in a circus school for children was more than tempting since nothing like that exists in my country of origin, Greece. During the one month I spent in Cabuwazi children circus in Berlin, I had my first taste on what is a social circus. Having written an article at the end of my internship on how Cabuwazi is a place that promotes and respects children’s rights, the idea of doing a dissertation on social circuses and their work with children and their rights was pretty much established in my mind. Using different tools and facts I will try to support my hypothesis that Social circus projects (SCP) are institutions and organizations that are supporting and promoting children’s rights. With bibliographic knowledge, internet articles and research, series of interviews and personal experience from the author, we will guide ourselves within the history of circus, the placement of circus arts in today’s societies, an analysis on social circuses, leading us closer to see in which ways SCP are promoting and respecting children’s right and which are these rights specifically.[author summary]
Bringing together terms like circus and children’s rights may seem at first site uncombined. But what happens if circus get another meaning like…social circus? Circus as a tradition and a way of life is a living universal organism, a worldwide spoken language that is developing and following its own evolution paths. From traditional circus, to contemporary circus and from circus schools for professionals to social circuses, the circus world has ...

Cote : 361.701 M3335r 2010

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Educazione al buon umore e discipline circensi ; progetto di recupero in comunità per giovani tossicodipendenti

Conedera, Elisa
Udine (Italie) : Università degli studi di Udine, 2009

Cote : 361.763 094 5 C747e 2009

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The circus project : applying process work techniques to circus and Theatre Arts with at-risk youth

Cohen, Jenn
Portland, OR : Process Work Institute, 2009

The following essay is intended to accompany my final project in the Process Work Diploma/Master of Arts program; a creative arts venture with both educational and social action components, entitled, “The Circus Project.” The Circus Project, now a registered nonprofit, was designed as an experimental training ground for the creation of an innovative methodology for working with at?risk1 and homeless youth, based on the integration of circus, theatre, and Process Oriented Psychology. The intention of the project was to demonstrate how techniques in Process Oriented Psychology could be applied to circus and theatre arts in various aspects of the creation process within the population of homeless and at?risk teens and young adults. It was hoped that the integration of circus arts and Process Work would empower disadvantaged youth in a variety of ways, while offering an emerging methodology which leaders in the
fields of theatre and circus arts could successfully utilize to create new and invigorating forms of artistic expression. In addition to offering a description of my personal background, the project, and a discussion of its relevancy to Process Work, this essay seeks to assert the significant benefits Process Work is capable of contributing to the crafting of meaningful and skilled art that impowers both the participants and the wider audiences for which they perform.
A project of this magnitude could not be embarked upon without the financial,
organizational, and emotional support of a number of people. While any attempt to publicly acknowledge the myriad of volunteers, collaborators and funders is bound to be incomplete, there are a few key players whom I feel compelled to mention, without whom, The Circus Project would not have blossomed into fruition. [author summary]
The following essay is intended to accompany my final project in the Process Work Diploma/Master of Arts program; a creative arts venture with both educational and social action components, entitled, “The Circus Project.” The Circus Project, now a registered nonprofit, was designed as an experimental training ground for the creation of an innovative methodology for working with at?risk1 and homeless youth, based on the integration of circus, ...

Cote : 791.307 107 3 C6601c 2009

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El circo social : como herramienta de intervención comunitaria para la prevención de conductas de riesgo psicosocial: un estudio cualitativo a partir de las vivencias de adolescentes y jóvenes del programa Previene-Conace de circo social de la comuna de Maipú

Pérez Daza, Marcelo Antonio ; Munoz, Alejandra
Santigago de Chile : Universidad Santo Tomas - Escuela de psicologia, 2008

El siguiente documento plantea desde una visión teórica, la utilización del Circo social como herramienta de intervención comunitaria en la prevención de conductas de riesgo psicosocial. A partir de las vivencias de un grupo de adolescentes y jóvenes, participantes de una experiencia de Circo Social, difundida por el Conace-Previene en la comuna de Maipú, se recogen los aspectos que ayudan a generar una visión teórica de la praxis del circo social y como ésta encuentra en la Psicología Comunitaria un sustento que le ayude a comprenderla desde una visión, ontológica, epistemológica, metodológica, política y ética, que potencie y ayude a comprender las fortalezas del circo como una herramienta, innovadora y lúdica de acercamiento a niños, niñas, jóvenes, sus familias y la comunidad.
El siguiente documento plantea desde una visión teórica, la utilización del Circo social como herramienta de intervención comunitaria en la prevención de conductas de riesgo psicosocial. A partir de las vivencias de un grupo de adolescentes y jóvenes, participantes de una experiencia de Circo Social, difundida por el Conace-Previene en la comuna de Maipú, se recogen los aspectos que ayudan a generar una visión teórica de la praxis del circo ...

Cote : 361.763 09 228 3
P9449c 2008

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Ridere per far bene a se stessi o per far ridere gli altri? L'umorismo nella clownterapia

Rossitto, Andreina
Italie : Università degli Studi di Perugia, [2005]

Cote : 618.920 945 R835r 2005

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Negotiating identity through risk : a community circus model for evoking change and empowering youth

McCutcheon, Sharon
Australie : Université Charles Sturt , 2003

Circus as a community theatre medium undoubtedly produces positive results for both the individuals involved and the community in which it resides. This dissertation examines the impact of those results when the “community” is an educational setting. Five descriptive case studies of in-school circus programs are explored in the study. These schools are all located in different socioeconomic areas and serve culturally diverse students and communities across Australia.

The nature of circus is also examined; particularly the elements of risk and the perceived sense of danger that are associated with successful circus. These aspects are recurring, necessary elements in the discussion of in-school circus programs. Other recurring themes outlined in the results include:

- an increase in the physical fitness of participating students;
- individual and community pride as dominant student, staff and parent reactions;
- a new “positive” utilisation of space;
- an alignment of individuals’ projected and actual selves;
- the development of peer tutoring systems and new ways of learning;
- a new public face of the participating schools which, in turn, creates a new climate within the schools - which includes an overall decrease in violent and anti-social behaviour in the school, the home and the community.

All five of the descriptive case studies are considered successful by the staff, students and parents interviewed. Success in this case is measured in terms of popularity, both within the school and its wider community, and in the decrease of various anti-social and identified destructive behaviours.

These results are examined under the categories of physical, psychological, mental, scholastic and sociological benefits. The data also emphasizes a number of obstacles to successful circus programs, and offers suggestions for overcoming these obstacles. The principals and practices extrapolated from the data collected provide a framework for how “circus works” within an educational framework.

The results of the study and their subsequent discussion, highlight the personal and communal benefits, and illustrate the notion that “circus works” as a tool for evoking change and empowering youth. The notion of risk is illustrated as intrinsic, and essential for successful implementation in schools. Risk is also identified as the element that needs to be managed in order to alleviate obstacles to the instigation and continuation of circus programs within schools. [autor summary]
Circus as a community theatre medium undoubtedly produces positive results for both the individuals involved and the community in which it resides. This dissertation examines the impact of those results when the “community” is an educational setting. Five descriptive case studies of in-school circus programs are explored in the study. These schools are all located in different socioeconomic areas and serve culturally diverse students and ...

Cote : 791.307 1 M1339n 2003

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Cirque du Monde en tant qu’intervention en santé : perspectives d'étudiants en médecine et de spécialistes du cirque

Fournier, Cynthia ; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne ; Marcoux, Jérémie ; Garel, Patricia ; Bochud, Emmanuel ; Théberge, Julie ; Aubertin, Patrice ; Favreau, Gil ; Fleet, Richard
Canadian Family Physician = Médecin de famille canadien vol.60 n°11, e548-e553, novembre 2014

Objectif : Présenter le programme Cirque du Monde du Cirque du Soleil et son potentiel en tant qu’intervention en soins de santé de première ligne pour les médecins de famille.

Sources des données : Une revue de la littérature menée dans les bases de données PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, La Presse, Eureka, Google Scholar et Érudit à l’aide des mots-clés circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde et Cirque du Soleil. Une initiative à Montréal nommée Espace Transition qui s’inspire directement de Cirque du Monde. Communication personnelle avec le conseiller principal en formation en cirque social du Cirque du Soleil.
Objectif : Présenter le programme Cirque du Monde du Cirque du Soleil et son potentiel en tant qu’intervention en soins de santé de première ligne pour les médecins de famille.

Sources des données : Une revue de la littérature menée dans les bases de données PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, La Presse, Eureka, Google Scholar et Érudit à l’aide des mots-clés circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde et Cirque du Soleil. Une initiative à Montréal ...

Cote : 361.701 5 F7781c 2014

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Cirque du Monde as a health intervention : perceptions of medical students and social circus experts

Fournier, Cynthia ; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne ; Marcoux, Jérémie ; Garel, Patricia ; Bochud, Emmanuel ; Théberge, Julie ; Aubertin, Patrice ; Favreau, Gil ; Fleet, Richard
Canadian Family Physician = Médecin de famille canadien vol.60 n°11, e548-e553, November 2014

Objective : To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians.

Data sources : A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil’s Social Circus Training Advisor.
Objective : To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians.

Data sources : A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; ...

Cote : 361.701 5 F7781c 2014

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Social circus and health equity : exploring the national social circus program in Ecuador

Spiegel, Jennifer Beth ; Breilh, Maria-Christina ; Campaña, Arturo ; Marcuse, Judith ; Yassi, Annalee
Arts & Health : An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice vol. 6 n°3, p. 1-10, june 2014

Social circus programs are expanding worldwide; however, little scholarship exists on their impact. Ecuador offers one of the world's largest government-sponsored programs, reaching almost 25,000 people annually. Aimed at promoting social solidarity and inclusion, programs are currently offered to street-involved youth, as well as children from marginalized communities and adults with disabilities. Identified tensions include the balancing of artistic versus social goals; integration of traditional social work approaches with social circus techniques and methodological challenges in evaluation. This program shows great promise and merits comprehensive interdisciplinary research, particularly regarding its impact on healthy equity. [authors summary]
Social circus programs are expanding worldwide; however, little scholarship exists on their impact. Ecuador offers one of the world's largest government-sponsored programs, reaching almost 25,000 people annually. Aimed at promoting social solidarity and inclusion, programs are currently offered to street-involved youth, as well as children from marginalized communities and adults with disabilities. Identified tensions include the balancing of ...

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Social circus and applied anthropology : a synthesis waiting to happen

McCaffery, Nick
Anthropology in Action vol.21 n°1, p.30-35, mars 2014

This article explores the potential for developing anthropological investigation in the field of social circus – in particular with those projects that work with individuals living with disabilities. The author uses examples of research in Belfast to argue that the applied nature of anthropology is the ideal mechanism for analysing and comparing the emerging field of social circus projects around the world. In this case, anthropological tools were utilised that had a direct effect, not only on understanding the phenomenon of social circus projects but also on raising the levels of quality, leading to a direct improvement on services provided. [editor summary]
This article explores the potential for developing anthropological investigation in the field of social circus – in particular with those projects that work with individuals living with disabilities. The author uses examples of research in Belfast to argue that the applied nature of anthropology is the ideal mechanism for analysing and comparing the emerging field of social circus projects around the world. In this case, anthropological tools ...

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Studying social circus : openings and perspectives : culture has an impact !

Effective Circus Project ; Kekäläinen, Katri ; Kakko, Sofia-Charlotta
Tampere (Finland) : Effective Circus Project, 2014

This article collection is the product of the Culture Has an Impact! seminar that was held in Tampere, Finland in December 2013. This celebration seminar was the high point of a 5-year run of two national social circus projects administrated by Tampere University’s Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre. The seminar was organized partly in collaboration with the Aladdin’s Lamp network of Pirkanmaa region and the Effective Circus project. The Effective Circus project (2011-2014) continued the work started with the national Social Circus
project (2009-2011). Both projects were funded by the European Social Fund (through the North Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Finland). In these projects we established social circus as a permanent part of the Finnish circus scene and the wellbeing services purchased by municipalities. While the first project focused on finding the good practises in social circus teaching, the second project went a little further. The aim was to prove that there are indeed wellbeing effects that can be reached with social circus. The Culture Has an Impact! seminar served as a platform for the project to both broadcast its results,
and to ignite an international discussion on the future of social circus studies globally. As an immediate result of the seminar, a network for circus researchers, The Global Institute for Circus Studies was formed. This publication can be thought to be the first practical product of this new network, as it showcases the work done by many of the founding members of the network. These articles introduce different social circus projects and evaluations going on around the world, from New Zealand and Canada to Finland, France, Italy, Ireland and even afghanistan. We are proud and happy to present this publication and hope it to be the first of many to come! [editor summary]
This article collection is the product of the Culture Has an Impact! seminar that was held in Tampere, Finland in December 2013. This celebration seminar was the high point of a 5-year run of two national social circus projects administrated by Tampere University’s Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre. The seminar was organized partly in collaboration with the Aladdin’s Lamp network of Pirkanmaa region and the Effective Circus project. The ...

Cote : 361.701 K289s 2014

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Historia e impacto de la Metodología de Machincuepa Circo Social

Pineada Téllez, Oscar ; Gómez, Sulamita X. H. ; Hernández Pérez, Rosalba
México, 2014

Machincuepa Circo Social nace en febrero de 1999 con la tarea de contribuir a la innovación de los procesos de intervención en poblaciones en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. El primer aprendizaje que tuvimos que incorporar fue que debíamos vivenciar el Circo Social, sentir cada una de las emociones que se desbordan cuando usas unos zancos, te pones una nariz de payaso, montas un monociclo, caminas en una cuerda tensa o vuelas en el trapecio. Sólo después de haberlo vivenciado estaríamos preparados para comenzar nuestra labor de Instructores de Circo Social. A través de este libro compartiremos nuestros aprendizajes a lo largo de 15 años.
Machincuepa Circo Social nace en febrero de 1999 con la tarea de contribuir a la innovación de los procesos de intervención en poblaciones en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. El primer aprendizaje que tuvimos que incorporar fue que debíamos vivenciar el Circo Social, sentir cada una de las emociones que se desbordan cuando usas unos zancos, te pones una nariz de payaso, montas un monociclo, caminas en una cuerda tensa o vuelas en el ...

Cote : 361.763 09 227 2 P6495h 2014

  • Ex. 1 — Consultation sur place
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Evaluation of the SKIP Community Circus programme in Dargaville

Trotman, Rachael
Dargaville : Circus Kumarani, 2013

Cote : 791.307 109 3 T8581e 2013

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Evaluation of a community circus skills programme at Dargaville Primary School

Trotman, Rachael
Dargaville : Circus Kumarani, 2013

Cote : 791.307 109 3 T8581e 2013

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Circo Verso : outlooks in social circus for the development of active citizenship

Bessone, Ilaria
Civitavecchia : Juggling Magazine ; Associazione Giocolieri & Dintorni, 2013

The Circo Verso seminar represented a step further in the complex process of social circus definition and acknowledgement developing at a global level. Within this broad scope, it brought to focus ethical dilemmas connected to the issues of violence, handicirque, and staging social circus. This handbook attempted to report as accurately as possible on the key questions raised during the seminar, and on the debates which followed. It includes a number of cases illustrating the problematic issues selected for discussion, as well as suggestions and reflections about strategies and methodologies to work with disadvantaged targets, roles and skills required within a team, and ways to assess and monitor social circus projects. Unfortunately, it is hard to account for the inspiring working atmosphere that an exchange between circus operators is always able to create. [editor summary]
The Circo Verso seminar represented a step further in the complex process of social circus definition and acknowledgement developing at a global level. Within this broad scope, it brought to focus ethical dilemmas connected to the issues of violence, handicirque, and staging social circus. This handbook attempted to report as accurately as possible on the key questions raised during the seminar, and on the debates which followed. It includes a ...

Cote : 791.307 1 B559c 2013

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Organismes de cirque social - Études de cas [23]

Bénéfices des arts du cirque chez les jeunes [12]

Cirque social [8]

Cirque du Monde [organisme de cirque] [5]

Circus Kumarani [organisme de cirque] [4]

Arts du cirque - Emploi en thérapeutique [3]

Arts du cirque - Nouvelle-Zélande [3]

Cirque social - Italie [3]

Jeunes en difficulté [3]

Arts du cirque - Aspect éducatif [2]

Arts du cirque - Aspect psychologique [2]

Arts du cirque - Aspect social [2]

Arts du cirque et société [2]

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-Justine [organisme] [2]

Cirque récréatif - Étude et enseignement [2]

Cirque social - Équateur [2]

Cirque social - Irlande [2]

Cirque social - Philosophie et théorie [2]

Espace Transition [projet de cirque social] [2]

Estime de soi chez les jeunes [2]

Exclusion sociale - Lutte contre [2]

Machincuepa Circo Social [organisme de cirque] [2]

Motivation (Psychologie) [2]

Adolescents - Psychologie [1]

Adolescents handicapés mentaux - Éducation [1]

American Youth Circus Organization (AYCO) [organisme de cirque] [1]

Art clownesque - Emploi en thérapeutique - Italie [1]

Art clownesque - Philosophie et théorie [1]

Arts - Aspect social [1]

Arts du cirque - Aspect culturel [1]

Arts du cirque - Aspect anthropologique [1]

Arts du cirque - Congrès et conférences [1]

Arts du cirque - Programmes d'études [1]

Arts nomades [organisme] [1]

Ateneu Popular 9 Barris [organisme de cirque] [1]

Ay-roop [évènement de cirque] [1]

Bénéfices des arts du cirque chez l'enfant [1]

Bénéfices des arts du cirque chez les adolescents [1]

Caravan [organisme de cirque] [1]

Circo Social Ecuador [organisme de cirque] [1]

Circolina's Leap [école de cirque] [1]

Circostanza [organisme] [1]

Circus Cabuwazi [1]

Cirque adapté [1]

Cirque du Soleil [compagnie de cirque] [1]

Cirque récréatif [1]

Cirque récréatif pour adolescents handicapés mentaux [1]

Cirque récréatif pour enfants handicapés mentaux [1]

Cirque récréatif pour enfants handicapés physique [1]

Cirque social - Afghanistan [1]

Cirque social - Brésil [1]

Cirque social - Chili [1]

Cirque social - Espagne [1]

Cirque social - Mexique [1]

Cirque social - Nouvelle- Zélande [1]

Cirque social - Québec (Province) [1]

Clownterapia [1]

Détermination (Trait de personnalité) [1]

Développement humain [1]

Développement social [1]

Dramathérapie [1]

Écoles de cirque [1]

Écoles de cirque - Australie [1]

Écoles de cirque - États-Unis [1]

Écoles de cirque - Italie [1]

Écoles de cirque - Mexique [1]

Enfants autistes [1]

Escola de Circo Dom Fernando [école de cirque] [1]

Estime de soi [1]

Humour - Aspect psychologique [1]

Intégration sociale [1]

Jeunes en difficulté - Italie [1]

Jeunes en difficulté - Mexique [1]

Jeunesse - Droit [1]

Jeunesse - Usage des drogues [1]

Le Plus Petit Cirque du monde [école de cirque] [1]

Maipú (Chili) [1]

Mobile Mini Circus for Children [organisme de cirque] [1]

Montréal (Québec) - Arts [1]

Organismes d'art - Études de cas [1]

Projets d'art communautaires [1]

Réalisation de soi [1]

Recherche qualitative [1]

Résilience - Concept d'intervention pédagogique [1]

Rire - Philosophie et théorie [1]

Scuola di Circo Corsaro [école de cirque] [1]

Social Circus Project [1]

Spiazza la Piazza [organisme de cirque] [1]

Streetwise Community Circus [organisme de cirque] [1]

The Circus Project [organisme de cirque] [1]

United Nations of Social Circus [1]

VIP Viviamo In Positivo Italia Onlus [organisme] [1]

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