
| 14 résultat(s)

y Histoire des arts du cirque - Europe


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Father of the modern circus 'Billy Buttons' : the life & times of Philip Astley

Ward, Steve
Barnsley, Angleterre : Pen and Sword History, 2018

The world of the circus has a long and colourful history, but it was with a man named Philip Astley that the 'modern' circus was founded. It was 250 years ago, in April 1768, that Astley pegged out a circular ride on the banks of the Thames and gave performances of trick riding to a paying audeince. Trick riding was nothing new, so what made Astley so popular? He was an accomplished horseman, a military hero and an instincitve showman. Above ...

Cote : 791.309 2 A855f 2018

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The circus : a visual history

Jacob, Pascal
London, New York : Bloomsbury Visual , 2018

This beautiful book charts the development of the circus as an art form around the world, from antiquity to the present day.

Using over 200 circus related artworks from the French National Library's private collections, celebrated cultural historian Pascal Jacob tells the story of travelling entertainers and their art and trade. From nomadic animal tamers of the Dark Ages to European jugglers and acrobats of the 1800s, from the use of the ...

Cote : 791.309 J157c 2018

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Philip Astley and the horsemen who invented the circus (1768-1814)

Jando, Dominique ; Binder, Paul
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018

In this fascinating and carefully researched book, Dominique Jando tells us when, why and how the former sergeant-major of a British Hussars regiment created the most universal form of entertainment, the Circus. It was not a chance occurrence: the place, the times and the social context, all led to this pivotal moment. Philip Astley became England's greatest showman, but if he was indeed a visionary, he was not a lone experimentalist: i...

Cote : 791.309 2 A855p 2018

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Philip Astley : la naissance du cirque

Denis, Dominique
Aulnay-sous-Bois, France : Art des 2 mondes, 2018

La naissance du Cirque narrée, année par année, par Dominique Denis, illustrée de 210 documents. [résumé de l'éditeur]

Cote : 791.309 2 A855p 2018

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War circus : charting the lives of the international circus community through The Great War, 1914 & 1918

Averley, Helen ; Beadle, Ron
Newcastle, Angleterre : Madame La Bonche Publishing, 2017

A small team of researchers from Circus Central lead by CEO Helen Averley explored what happened to international circus during WW1. The focus of the research has been on tracing individual circus artists and their circuses, and animal through the period of the Great War.

The research was inspired by the discovery of a book by Grock, a famous Swiss clown. More than 3 years later it has culminated in a book which will be available in PDF on this ...

Cote : 791.309 041 A952w 2017

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Une histoire du cirque

Jacob, Pascal
Paris : Seuil : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2016

Chacun possède sa propre vision du cirque, un univers aux richesses insoupçonnées et en constante évolution. Cet ouvrage en propose une histoire abondamment illustrée, de ses origines saltimbanques à ses formes les plus contemporaines.

Au fil des pages, affiches, dessins, estampes et photographies dévoilent les secrets de chacune des disciplines qui peuplent le grand chapiteau et offrent un voyage planétaire haut en couleurs. Né en Angleterre ...

Cote : 791.309 J157h 2016

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  • Ex. 3 — Consultation sur place
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Astley's Circus : the story of an english hussar

Rendell, Mike
North Charleston, South Carolina : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014

This is the story of one of the most famous and popular entrepreneurs of the 18th Century - a man dubbed "the father of the modern circus". Philip Astley was a teenager who yearned for adventure and above all who wanted to work with horses. He served in the British Army in the Seven Years War, learning how to train horses for battle, and then left to find his fortune in London giving riding lessons and putting on exhibitions of trick riding. In ...

Cote : 791.309 2 R397a 2014

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Under the big top : circus lore from ancient rome to cirque du soleil

Sans, Christopher
[États-Unis] : Webster''s Digital Services, 2011

The three ring circus under the big top has entertained us for generations, its rich history reaching back to Ancient Rome. And who hasn''t wanted to run away and join the circus? Now, a book that combines historical facts with romantic folklore, with a look at some of the characters who brought the circus to life for us to enjoy. [editor note]

Cote : 791.309 S229u 2011

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Du cirque au théâtre

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Équipe "Théâtre moderne" ; Amiard-Chevrel, Claudine
Lausanne : L'Âge d'homme, 1983

1890-1930. De jeunes écrivains et artistes de théâtre cherchent des formes nouvelles, destructrices des modes d’expression sclérosés d’une société qu’ils répudient. Leur quêtes les conduit à tout spectacle qui enfonce un coin dans l’édifice réprouvé du théâtre établi, enfermé dans la psychologie et l’exaltation du Moi individuel. La vie moderne, fille de la lumière électrique de la grande ville et du rythme des machines, a soif d’autres sucs ; ...

Cote : 792.094 A516c 1983

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A history of the circus

Speaight, George
New York : Barnes and Company, 1980

This is a monumental history of that universally trancing, international phenomenon-the circus. It is the most complete chronicle of circuses and circus lore ever written in the english language. No reader can fail to be impressed by the scope of its coverage and the vividness of its descriptions. No lover of circus wonders can remain unmoved while reading of the people and performances that illuminated circus life.

The author reveals the ...

Cote : 791.309 S7411h 1980

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Histoire des arts du cirque - Europe [14]

Astley, Philip [écuyer, propriétaire de cirque] [9]

Histoire de l'acrobatie équestre [7]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 18e siècle [7]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Angleterre [6]

Astley's Amphitheatre [bâtiment de cirque] [5]

Histoire des arts du cirque [5]

Histoire des arts du cirque - États-Unis [5]

Artistes de cirque - Angleterre - Biographies [4]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 20e siècle [4]

Histoire des arts du cirque - France [4]

Arts du cirque - Philosophie et théorie [3]

Cirque au cinéma [3]

Ducrow, Andrew [3]

Histoire de l'acrobatie aérienne [3]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 19e siècle [3]

Histoire du cirque - États-Unis [3]

Histoire du dressage [3]

Hugues, Charles [3]

Origines et fondements des arts du cirque [3]

Ricketts, John Bill (1769-1800) [3]

Traditions acrobatiques [3]

Architecture de cirque [2]

Barnum, Phineas Taylor [directeur de cirque] [2]

Big Apple Circus [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Chapiteau - Histoire [2]

Chocolat [clown] [2]

Circo Franconi [compagnie de cirque] [2]

Cirque Olympique [2]

Cirques - Antiquité [2]

Cuzent, Pauline [artiste de cirque] [2]

Fellini, Federico [réalisateur] [2]

Foottit [clown] [2]

Franconi, Antonio (1737-1836) [2]

Fratellini, Annie [clown] [2]

Histoire de l'acrobatie [2]

Histoire de l'art clownesque [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - 17e siècle [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Chine [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Italie [2]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Russie [2]

I clowns [oeuvre cinématographique] [2]

Juhua, Xia [artiste de cirque] [2]

Karandach [clown] [2]

La Strada [oeuvre cinématographique] [2]

Lanzac, Roger [maître de piste] [2]

Léotard, Jules [artiste de cirque] [2]

Loisset, Jean Baptiste [artiste de cirque] [2]

Maître de piste [2]

Nazarova, Margarita [artiste de cirque] [2]

Pantomime - Histoire [2]

Ringling [2]

Sarrasani [2]

Acrobatie - Histoire [1]

Art clownesque - Histoire [1]

Art clownesque - Philosophie et théorie [1]

Arts du cirque et théâtre [1]

Arts du spectacle - Europe - 1900-1945 [1]

Arts du spectacle - Rome - Histoire [1]

Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth [spectacle de cirque] [1]

Batty, William [1]

Bauhaus [mouvement artistique] [1]

Bostock, E.H. [1]

Brecht, Bertolt [dramaturge] [1]

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show [1]

Cirque à trois pistes [1]

Cirque contemporain [1]

Cirque contemporain [1]

Cirque du Soleil [compagnie de cirque] [1]

Cirque stable [1]

Compagnies de cirque - Afrique [1]

Compagnies de cirque - Australie [1]

Compagnies de cirque - États-Unis [1]

Compagnies de cirque - Europe [1]

Compagnies de cirque - Orient [1]

Cooper, James [1]

Decastro, John [1]

Durang, John [artiste de cirque] [1]

Fêtes foraines [1]

Fêtes foraines - Histoire [1]

Fil de fer - Histoire [1]

Foregger, Nikolaï [metteur en scène] [1]

Fous et bouffons [1]

Futurisme [mouvement artistique] [1]

Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918 [1]

Histoire de l'architecture de cirque [1]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Canada [1]

Histoire des arts du cirque - Suède [1]

Hugues Royal Circus [1]

James Anthony Bailey [directeur de cirque] [1]

Jonglerie - Histoire [1]

Lailson, Philip [1]

Maïakovski, Vladimir [écrivain] [1]

Maître de piste - Histoire [1]

Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso [écrivain] [1]

Ménageries [1]

Ménestrels [1]

Meyerhold, Vsevolod [dramaturge] [1]

Music-hall - Philosophie et théorie [1]

Musique de cirque [1]

Nouveau cirque [1]

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